Canadian Fire
Sometime after the earth began, deep within the earth’s core, carbons came together. With time and pressure, the carbons crystallized into the most precious object in the world - a diamond. There it waited for 3 billion years, until a volcano erupted, taking it on a turbulent journey to the earth’s surface and coming to rest beneath a glacial lake in Canada’s Arctic North.
Introducing CanadianFire, a diamond remarkably pure and natural. Every CanadianFire diamond is mined and polished to the highest standards uncovering its rare beauty and brilliance. Each diamond comes with a Certificate of Origin confirming that it was mined in Canada’s Arctic North. Our stringent monitoring system follows your diamond from the mine, through the refining facility, to you – the only programme of its kind in the world. Only diamonds of the finest purity and craftsmanship qualify to receive our CanadianFire Certificate of Authenticity, the highest level of certification.
Only diamonds of the finest purity and craftsmanship qualify to receive our CanadianFire Certificate of Origin, which serves as your guarantee that the diamond you are purchasing:
- Is mined in Canada in a socially and environmentally correct manner.
- Is a 100% genuine natural diamond.
- Has passed our rigorous inspection for quality and cut.
For security each CanadianFire diamond is laser inscribed with a unique Diamond Identification Number. This Certificate ensures the life process by which a CanadianFire diamond is mined and crafted.
Knowing the place of origin preserves the value of your diamond.